No matter what shape or form they take, computers can be finnicky!

In certain conditions or times you'll find that your Navistream tablet will not start correctly. Here are a few things you can do to try and get it to power up.

Tablet is stuck with a charging symbol (circle with a lightning bolt) and does not show the battery %

In this case, if holding the power button does nothing, then unplug the tablet from the power source/charger and try holding the power button again.

If you now get a message showing 0% charge and a picture indicating to plug it in, then do the following:

  1. Ensure the device is not plugged into any power sources or chargers.

  2. Press in and hold the Power, Volume UP (+) and Volume DOWN (-) buttons on the side of the tablet for a number of seconds.

  3. The tablet should start into a bright blue screen that says DOWNLOADING on it.

  4. If there are instructions on the screen saying you can press the Volume DOWN (-) button to restart the device, give that a try and see if it reboots normally. If this doesn't work, then please repeat the steps above and proceed down to step 5 below.

  5. Leave the tablet unplugged from the power and on this screen until the battery dies. This could take a number of hours.

  6. Once the tablet has powered itself off due to lack of charge, plug the device back in.

  7. Leave plugged in and note if the tablet changes from showing only the charging circle to showing the battery %.

  8. If you start to see the battery % update the tablet should be able to start again. Hold the power button on the side to start it up.

  9. If the tablet does not end up showing the battery % and remains the way it originally was, then please contact support.

Tablet starts up and immediately shows a bright blue DOWNLOADING screen

  1. Hold the Power and Volume Down (-) buttons in on the side of the tablet until the device turns off.

  2. Continue to hold these buttons until the device turns back on, then immediately let go of the two buttons.

  3. At this point the device will either start up normally, or go back to the blue DOWNLOADING screen.

  4. If it goes back to DOWNLOADING then leave the tablet unplugged from the power and on this screen until the battery dies. This could take a number of hours.

  5. Once the tablet has powered itself off due to lack of charge, plug the device back in.

  6. Leave plugged in and note if the tablet changes from showing only the charging circle to showing the battery %.

  7. If you start to see the battery % update the tablet should be able to start again. Hold the power button on the side to start it up.

  8. If the tablet does not end up showing the battery % and remains the way it originally was, then please contact support.

Tablet will not start and plugging it into a power source shows nothing on the screen

Please try the first 4 steps at the top of this article indicating to hold down all 3 buttons on the side of the tablet before reading further.

While this is likely indicative of a larger hardware issue (like a bad battery) you should try an alternative power source. This is just in case the charger/source you're using isn't working and the battery has been completely drained.

If this still occurs with a known good charger/power source then the tablet itself is likely the issue and not much can be done. 

If you believe the tablet is within warranty our one-year warranty coverage period then please contact support for additional troubleshooting or warranty return instructions. If outside of the one year warranty and you'd like to order a replacement then please contact