Fuel Tax Report - this all new report will replace the Fuel Tax Mileage Report. This report automatically calculates required IFTA values on the Summary Report and enables you to modify the supporting trip segments on the Detail Report.
Summary Report - contains new IFTA calculations including: Taxable Distance, Taxed Quantity Purchased, Net Taxable Quantity, Taxable Quantity Consumed, Tax Due/Refund Estimates Note: these values are derived from the trip segment distances (inc. Off Highway distances via Geozones), Fuelling activities (that are completed by the Driver) and jurisdictional tax rates which are automatically retrieved from the ‘IFTA Tax Rate Matrix’ when posted for the selected quarter.
Detail Report - allows you to edit trip segments by adjusting fuel quantities and segment distances as needed Note: this report now functions like a worksheet that enables you to modify trip segment data on the Detail Report which then is reflected on the Summary Report.
Vehicles - added 'Vehicle Fuel Type' property. This is a required field for Vehicles with Vehicle Type Class = Vehicle. Default is set to 'Diesel'.
Resolved Issues -
Vehicle Sharing - failing to toggle functionality
Fleet Tracking - messages can fail to display
Devices - not able to edit Vehicle properties
Vehicles Type - able to delete when associated to Vehicles
Location Type - able to delete when associated to Locations
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Note: these values are derived from the trip segment distances (inc. Off Highway distances via Geozones), Fuelling activities (that are completed by the Driver) and jurisdictional tax rates which are automatically retrieved from the ‘IFTA Tax Rate Matrix’ when posted for the selected quarter.
Note: this report now functions like a worksheet that enables you to modify trip segment data on the Detail Report which then is reflected on the Summary Report.
Resolved Issues -