Access the unidentified driving summary report by logging into, tapping on the Reports tab, then tapping on Unidentified Driving Summary

Use the report controls to find the day(s) you're interested in, and use the Open button to view the details of the day. 

A list of assignable log events will show in the table below:

Select an event by clicking on the "ribbon" shown under the Map heading. 

When selected, the event/row will highlight in yellow and the corresponding section of the logbook view at the top of the screen will also be highlighted. If the graph below is not visible by default, try clicking the drop down arrow to the far right of where is says "Duty Status"

Once you've selected the section you wish to assign, press the Assign Selected button in the upper right-hand corner of the details report.

Choose a driver from the list and write a remark/comment as to why you're assigning the time to that user. Press Assign Driver when finished.