Web Client - Production HotFix Release - 2017.12.14

We've just deployed a new Web Client Production HotFix release!

Please hit the refresh button  on your browser to access this latest version.

In this release you'll find:

  New Features & Improvements -

  • Shift  Details Report - improved how the report displays by adding nested functionality for all event types. For example, when a Driving event occurs then a Speed Violation event comes in, the Speed Violation event will be nested under the Driving event in the report.

   Resolved issues -

  • Fleet Tracking - messages stop being received when browser tab is in background and subsequently when it's returned to the foreground
    Note:  the fix means that when the browser tab containing mynavistream.com is put in the background, you will not receive any messages. When you bring  it back to the foreground, messages will be retrieved within 1 min.
  • Vehicles > Vehicle Sharing option - only displaying when top-level OU is selected
  • Fleet Tracking > Fit to Vehicle icon - duplicating when a different OU is selected