Here's an overview of features found on the Navistream Web Portal ( Documentation on some of the advanced features is included in your welcome package:

  1. Fleet Tracking

    • Fleet tracking is a feature that allows a user to monitor their fleet.

    • GPS data from tablets in the field allows for the tracking of vehicles.

    • Uses Google Maps interface for easy navigation.

    • Can view, add or edit Geozones:

      • A Geozone is a predetermined map area in which you can collect additional data for. Geozones are useful for tracking speeds, fuel usage, time spent in a given area.

      • A Geozone shows as a colored polygonal outline on your Fleet Tracking map.

  2. Reports

    • A variety of reports are automatically created on the Navistream web portal

    • Click a specific report to view data based on the date or for a specific driver (depending on the report)

    • Data can be exported for use in spreadsheets or other data aggregation software

  3. Administration

    1. Inspections (Advanced)

      1. Tasks

        • Lists available inspection tasks that can be placed into inspection templates

        • Can create additional tasks or modify existing tasks

      2. Templates

        • An inspection template is a set of inspection tasks that is applied to a vehicle in your fleet

        • Custom inspection templates can be created

    2. Speed Tracking

      1. Speed Limits

        • Enables the business to manage the maximum speed the vehicles are driven at

        • The unit will notify the driver when he’s driving over the set limit

        • Can set a grace period for drivers to return to lower speeds

        • Violations are logged in the speed violations report

    3. Driver Activities

      1. Off Duty Reasons

        • Configure the list of break reasons that show up when your drivers select take a break from their activities list

        • Default entries are present but can be edited or removed

      2. Performance Rules (Advanced)

        • Configure the list of rules that create the driver performance summary report

        • More information is available in a separate document

    4. Administration

      1. Users

        • Displays current users set up in the system for your tenant

        • Can create/edit users

      2. Roles

        • A list and breakdown of all the roles a user can be assigned in the above “Users” area

        • A document is provided in this welcome package that has the same information

      3. Organizations

        • Shows your current organizational hierarchy

        • Able to create additional organizational units (OUs)

        • Ideal for setting up company divisions if needed

      4. Vehicles

        • View/Edit/Create/Delete vehicles and vehicle types to be used by drivers

      5. Devices

        • View activated tablets

        • Activate a new tablet

      6. Locations

        • View/Edit/Create/Delete Geozones

      7. Tenant

        • View/Edit default company information